14.12.2023 ROJEK boilers - assembly, service, inspections - Kostelec nad Orl.

3 000 Kč Incl. VAT INCL.

for 1 person

Based on this training, you will receive a certificate for the sale, installation, service and technical inspections of ROJEK boilers.

Training is ongoing:
ROJEK a.s., U Kapličky 1055, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí
Link to maps.cz

Your arrival is expected by 8:00 a.m. in Kostelec nad Orlicí.

Please send us confirmation of your attendance at the training on the given date at least one week before the planned training, or the number of persons.
Please provide your company name, registered office, registration number, telephone contact to e-mail: kosinova@rojek.cz


7:45 - 8:15
Arrival at ROJEK, registration

8:15 - 9:00
Opening, introduction of ROJEK company and production program, basic introduction to boilers and heat technology in general. Basics of legislation and current subsidy conditions.

9:10 - 11:00
Part of the training (Theoretical)

  • ROJEK KTP hot water boilers, ROJEK PK, PK BIO pyrolytic boilers

  • Automatic hot water boilers ROJEK KTP PELLET

  • automatic hot water boilers ROJEK TKA, TKA BIO

  • automatic boilers ROJEK A 15, A 15 U

  • Information on boiler installations, boiler commissioning, boiler shutdown, boiler cleaning and individual designs and variants of ROJEK boilers

11:10 - 13:00
Part of the training (Practical)

  • Demonstration of boilers in operation in the test room

  • introduction of the TECH, ST 480 zPID, ST 86 zPID, ST 976 zPID boiler controls practical demonstration and analysis of the functions of individual controls, possible accessories for the controls

13:05 - 13:30
Lunch break , coffee, free discussion of the morning programme

13:35 - 14:00
Tour of the production plant including boiler assembly and tour of the Showroom in Kostelec nad Orlicí

14:00 - 15:30
Part of the training (Theoretical - legislative)

  • Technical inspections of boilers according to Act No. 201/2012 Coll.

  • Legislative basis for technical inspection of boilers

  • analysis and description of the inspection, including analysis of the procedure for completing the protocol for inspections according to Act No. 201/2012 Coll.

15:30 - 15:45
Discussion, presentation of training certificates and conclusion of the training

The program and timetable may change operatively according to the specific conditions and the main objective of the training. Individual training items may be omitted or operationally rescheduled due to time and capacity constraints.

The price of the training is CZK 3.000,- without VAT / 1 person. Payment in advance (advance invoice)

For any questions please contact:
e-mail: tepelnatechnika@rojek.cz
Tel.: +420 494 339 128
Mobile: +420 737 899 621

3 000 Kč without VAT

for 1 person

Sign up for training

Drop us a line and we'll contact you with available training dates.

Telefon Do you need us now?

Call me: +420 494 323 181 (Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:30)

After leaving your phone number, we will get back to you within 2 hours at most. (Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:30)

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